
Higher Education in India

When India achieved Independence in 1947, the major concern for the Indian government was to establish strong roots of education in every field to make India a literate country. Under this, technical education also took birth to make the country and its people capable of facing real challenges. 

A number of institutes and education governing bodies were introduced after this under which, management, science, technology, arts, and every subject became a matter of concern for the government. The duty of these educational institutions was to make candidates competent with hard core intelligence, confidence, and independence which they can get after taking higher studies, says the Top Btech Colleges in India

Delivering Quality Education Was the Motto

In different parts of India, this concept was developed at a very fast pace. Today, the Indian education system has completed its agenda. We already know the names of IIT and IIM which are known for their extraordinary competence and outstanding students who take education under these institutes. 

With this, there are many other institutes that provide the opportunity of higher education to the candidates to make their future bright. Among such institutions, Arya Engineering College is a prominent one that has 21 years of excellence in engineering education. The need and importance for education are now realized by every Indian citizen and it encourages them to plan their academic journey and career path. 

Enhancing Technical Skills is The Key Focus

Institutions like Arya College are contributing to the growth of a stronger India. They all are approved by AICTE, the education governing body of India. Every student wishes to study in an AICTE Approved Engineering College which provides high-quality education with qualified and experienced teaching staff. 

With so many colleges and universities, there are many students who are impressed by the technical education in Rajasthan. There are numerous Engineering Colleges in Rajasthan which have proved their competence in the form of capable students who are now placed in big companies and are earning well.

There are some particular exams and tests which are conducted for the candidates and are used as one of the eligibility criteria for them. Students have to pass this examination to get admission to good colleges. 

Also Read – Theoretical and Practical Approach Best for You


All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) was founded in 1945 with the objective of providing high education to the citizens. With continuous monitoring and planning, India is providing the best talent in the world. Students are being called by foreign companies for recruitment and their intelligence is so much visible to the whole world.

Some of the Major Programs Covered by AICTE 

For institutions that are engaged in delivering technical education, it is mandatory to have AICTE accreditation. The major programs of technical education covered under AICTE are as follows:

  • Engineering (Training and Research)
  • Architecture
  • Town Planning
  • Management
  • Pharmacy
  • Technology 
  • Applied Arts 
  • Hotel Management
  • Catering Technology

Not only this, but AICTE approval is also required in case the colleges want to open any new course or branch, to convert any Co-Ed learning institute to an entirely women’s institution. Moreover, a change of site or location can also be done only once the AICTE is approved for the same. 

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